Displays the current production status. Under Production is shown the number of cities and the percentage of cities producing each type of unit. Under Next is shown the number of turns until the next unit is completed. The current number of units of a given type is shown under Units. The exact number of friendly units lost for any reason is shown under Lost. This includes units lost attacking or capturing neutral cities, and units that ran out of fuel. The Killed column shows the number of enemy units that have been destroyed by friendly units and cities. It does not include enemy units that ran out of fuel or were lost attacking neutral cities.
In some cases the units lost column will show two numbers, separated by a slash (/). The first number shows how many units have been lost for any reason, and the second shows only the combat losses. It does not include any that are lost because they ran out of fuel, bombers that are lost making a nuclear attack nor armies that are lost attacking neutral cities. The Units Killed column always excluded these types of enemy losses, since you generally can’t see them happen.
The City List button will switch to a list of all your cities.
The Supplies or Units option (not shown) controls what is shown. The supplies option will show tech levels and supplies. The local supplies (see below) are totals for all cities. The global levels are adjusted to reflect the supplies that must be set aside in order to finish the units currently under production. The Set Production dialog shows the total supply level available without this adjustment. (Hence there is a discrepancy between these displays.)
In addition to the supplies and units displays you may see an option to display “value”. This display is really for debugging but may be helpful for designing rule sets. The Enemy Value column shows how much the machine strategy currently thinks your units are worth. This informs its attack decisions. The Value column shows how much it values its own pieces. This is primarily for production decisions.
Unit List
Brings up a list of units. Double click on any unit to scroll the map to it and edit it. The controls on the right allow you to select which units you want to see. Friendly and enemy units are shown only if those boxes are checked.
If Show: All Types is selected in the popup menu, then you can choose to see all air and/or land and/or sea units. Alternatively, you can choose a single unit type from the popup menu. (Disabling the Air, Land and Sea check boxes.)
You can also choose to show friendly units with certain orders. A friendly unit will only be shown if it matches one of the selected check boxes on the right. These allow you to select units that are asleep, awake, loading or have some “other” command. “Other” commands include waiting for repair, exploring, patrolling &etc. The “Any” check box shows all units regardless of their orders.
City List [Keyboard ‘C’]
Shows you a list of your cities. The name of each city, its location, production and next completion date are shown. One city may be selecting by clicking on its line. When a city is selected part of the map near it will be shown on the right. Double-Clicking in the city list will bring up the city production dialog. The city list may be sorted alphabetically by name or numerically by production type, date of completion or sector. When sorting by sectors, the cities are listed from the upper left corner of the map to the bottom right, in strips one tenth of the width of the map.
The Summary button will switch the display to the Production Summary. The Island button will restrict the list to just the cities on the same island as the current city. A double click on an empty land square on an island with some friendly cities will bring up that display.
Unit Rules…
Shows an overview of the current rules for a selected unit type.
For example an Army attacks a Transport at 75% of its normal strength. An army can attack a submarine at half strength, but when a submarine attacks an army the army defends with infinite strength. An army can see a fighter three squares away, but a fighter can only see an army if the fighter is within two squares.
Combat Win %
Shows a table indicating the probability that a full strength unit of one type will destroy a full strength opponent of any type. For more information see the general description of combat. Double click on any cell for more detail.
Combat Loss %
This table shows how often a full strength attacker will be destroyed by a full strength defender of each type.
Total Hits
This table shows how many hits the defender will lose in 100 attacks.
Wake Reasons
Sets the conditions under which a unit will wake up. You may override the defaults for any unit produced by a particular city, or for a single unit. Your current default settings are stored with the rule set so the correct table is used when you choose a new rule set.
This dialog is also accessible from the City Production dialog. In that case it sets the wake reasons for units created in that city rather than the default wake reasons.
The wake reasons are:
Attacked: Wake if unit is attacked.
Enemy Seen: Wake if an enemy unit is seen.
Enemy Found: Wake if previously unseen unit is seen.
Enemy City Seen: Wake if next to enemy city.
Enemy City Found: Wake if enemy city found.
Neutral City Seen: Wake if next to neutral city.
Neutral City Found: Wake if a neutral city is found.
Enemy Adjacent: Wake if this unit is next to enemy.
Near Land: Wake if land adjacent.
Near new land: Wake if new land is found.
Near sea: Wake if next to a sea square.
Near new sea: Wake if new sea square is discovered.
Every 3 days: Wake if current turn is divisible by 3.
Every 5 days: Wake if current turn is divisible by 5.
Every 7 days: Wake if current turn is divisible by 7.
Activate: Override the default wake reasons.
Unit Pictures
The pictures of the various types of terrain and units can be edited using a “fat bits” style editor. The pictures are then saved in a picture in the program. The icons for terrain and units should not be edited using this command because the results will not be saved. The separate Rule editor should be used for that. This command is used to edit the icons for Markers and the land “fringes”.